Monk Seal Fact Files
Mediterranean Monk Seal
(Monachus monachus)
Ethology – Behaviour
Behaviour of pups and juveniles
The behaviour of Mediterranean monk seal pups appears to
be greatly influenced by two overriding factors: the
presence of the nursing mother and the need to move with
confidence in their aquatic habitat as early as possible.
The first two months of a pup’s life are particularly
important for their subsequent development. During this
period, pups build up a strong bond and spend considerable
time with their mothers. This strong relationship is
expressed through frequent physical contact and loud
vocalisations between them (Mursaloglu 1984, 1986). Any
disruption of this bond may have severe consequences, and
it has often been suggested that increased human presence
near pupping sites has led to abortions or to lactating
mothers abandoning their pups (Ronald & Yeroulanos
1984, Johnson & Lavigne 1999a, 1999b).
In contrast to past reports (Troitzky 1953, Ronald &
Healy 1974, Mursaloglu 1984) Mediterranean monk seal pups
have been observed to enter the sea within their cave
shelters during their first week of life, even in the
absence of their mothers, while pups have also been
observed to leave their shelter and swim in the vicinity
alone in the second week of life. Their swimming and
diving skills are developed progressively and by the age
of one and a half months they swim and dive with ease
(Mursaloglu 1986, Dendrinos 1998, Dendrinos et al. 2000).
Soon after, they are even capable of travelling distances
of up to 1 km or more together with their mothers
(Dendrinos et al. 2000, Fernandez de Larrinoa pers.
observation). Confidence in moving independently about
their aquatic environment is an essential skill since,
even from the first weeks of life, mothers tend to leave
their pups alone for hours in order to search for food
(Mursaloglu 1984, 1986, Dendrinos et al. 2000, Gazo &
Aguilar 2005).
This increases the probability of an inexperienced pup
being swept away by a strong swell or storm surge,
becoming separated from its mother and dying as a result
(Gazo et al. 1999). Storm surges have been blamed for
increased neonatal mortality observed throughout the
species’ distribution, but particularly at Cabo Blanco, in
Mauritania/Western Sahara (González et al. 2002). When
present, mothers try to protect their pups from being
washed away by taking them by the neck and carrying them
to the upper zone of the beach, or by interposing their
bodies between the pup and the waves (Pires 2004). In
Madeira, Pires (2004) observed that a second female monk
seal would consistently look over and protect a monk seal
pup from breaking waves while its mother was at sea
feeding. Such duties would revert to the mother as soon as
she returned to the beach. Pires likened such behaviour to
the roles played by “aunties” in elephant social
In case of imminent danger, monk seal mothers have been
observed to warn their pups by nipping them (Kouroutos
1987, Neves 1998).
Social behaviour
Although little understood, the social behaviour of
Mediterranean monk seals appears to be influenced by the
moderate polygyny [Glossary]
that is characteristic of the species (Cebrian 1994,
Matono et al. 1998, Gücü et al. 2004). As a consequence,
in the Cabo Blanco region of Mauritania/Western Sahara,
the only place where the species has managed to maintain
the social and demographic structure of a colony, several
adult black males display territorial behaviour, both in
the area of the breeding caves and in other areas as far
as 30 km away. Social interactions between adult males
mainly occur underwater while defending these aquatic
territories (Marchessaux & Muller 1987, González et
al. 1997). During the mating season, these males may also
intrude into other territories in an effort to displace
dominant males and gain access to females (Chalkidiki,
Greece: Cebrian 1993 cited in Cebrian 1994, Kephalonia,
Greece: Panou et al. 1993, Chafarinas Islands, Spain:
Manez, pers comm. to Cebrian 1994). Anecdotal accounts
from the Turkish coast also suggest territorial fights
among males (Güçlüsoy et al. 2002).
Feeding behaviour and diet
Mediterranean monk seals have often been described as
opportunistic predators (Marchessaux & Duguy 1977,
Jacobs & Panou 1988, Boutiba & Abdelghani 1997)
because of their ability to easily exploit a wide variety
of food resources, though mainly those that are in
abundance and thus easy prey.
What little data have been collected and analysed through
scat and stomach content samples, as well as anecdotal
evidence obtained from fishermen, appear to show a
preference for bone fishes, such as mullet, sea bream and
bogue (Cebrian et al. 1990, Scoullos et al. 1994 for
Greece, Salman et al. 2001 for Turkey, Sergeant et al.
1978, Neves 1998 for Madeira). However, the varied menu of
Monachus monachus also includes such diverse items
as cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish), lobsters and
seaweed (Ronald 1973, Boulva 1979, Salman et al. 2001). In
certain locations, and when food resources are abundant,
the species even tends to focus on particular prey
species, such as lobsters (Marchessaux & Muller 1985).
Despite reports from geographically diverse areas, there
is no conclusive evidence that monk seals raid vineyards
to feed on the ripening grapes or other crops located near
the seashore (Kuehn 1930, Anonymous 1975, Boutiba &
Abdelghani 1997). Conceivably, the phenomenon may be
linked to seals seeking shelter from the summer sun, and
to the long-held tendency of coastal dwellers to regard
the seal as a pest (Güçlüsoy et al. 2002, Johnson 2004).
In one single, and possibly exceptional case in
Zakynthos, monk seals were observed to attack and feed on
loggerhead turtles (Margaritoulis et al. 1996).
Average prey size is thought to be 2.5 kg, although prey
up to 10 kg have been recorded (Duguy & Marchessaux
1992, Dendrinos unpubl. data). Studies of captive
Mediterranean monk seals indicate a daily food intake
ranging between 5 and 10% of the total body weight; or a
daily intake of between 12.5 and 25 kg for an animal
weighing 250 kg (Jacobs & Panou 1988 in Scoullos et
al. 1994, Caltagirone 1995).
When searching for food, Mediterranean monk seals usually
stay close to shore and prefer shallow reefs where the
currents and productive seabed provide the best foraging
conditions. When facing food scarcity, however, they are
capable of covering extensive distances in order to find
new feeding grounds (Kiortsis & Veriopoulos 1984,
Marchessaux 1989, Gazo et al. 1998 in Mo 1999). Although
no definitive migration of the species is known (Boulva
1979, Duguy & Marchessaux 1992), seasonal movements,
possibly following the migration routes of fish, have been
frequently reported in the past (Maigret 1976 in Scoullos
et al. 1994, Avella and González 1984 in Scoullos et al.
1994, Matsakis ed. 1985, Jacobs & Panou 1988). Reports
from the Black Sea suggest that monk seals regularly
visited the fish-rich area of the Danube delta in search
of food (Sergeant et al. 1978) and used to pursue schools
of bluefish tuna during their migration (Berkes et al.
Little is known about the feeding techniques and
behaviour of Monachus monachus. The species has
been observed to employ two different hunting techniques.
The first, “spot feeding”, involves diving against the
surface current and parallel to the coast, emerging at the
same spot (Marchessaux 1989, Neves 1998, Kiraç et al.
2002) – a feeding technique often exercised for many hours
at a time. In contrast, while “transit feeding”, monk
seals cover relatively large areas close to the shore,
usually remaining in shallow waters, preferring to look
for prey in 2-25 meters’ depth (Neves 1998, Güçlüsoy and
Savas 2003a). When a fish is caught, the prey is often
first eviscerated by violent sideways movements of the
head, and then ingested headfirst (Duguy & Marchessaux
1992, CBD Habitat 2004).
Swimming and diving
Although conclusive evidence is rare, average dive depths
for Mediterranean monk seals have been described as being
within 50 m (Ronald & Duguy eds. 1979). Average dive
duration, a more reliable figure that, in the case of spot
feeding, can be recorded by observers on land, has been
put at 6-12 minutes (Duguy & Marchessaux 1992, Gazo
1996, Neves 1998). The longest dive recorded has been 18
minutes (Kiraç et al. 2002) and the greatest depth 75m
(Ronald et al. 1978).
However, recent satellite tracking data obtained from a
10 month old rehabilitated orphaned monk seal, released
into the Northern Sporades Marine Park of Greece,
registered a maximum dive of 123 meters, effectively
rewriting current scientific knowledge of the species
(Dendrinos et al. in prep.).
Fully developed diving capacity is gradually acquired
during the early stages of neonatal development
(Mursaloglu 1986). As weaning occurs, pups spend less time
resting or swimming at the surface, and diving activity
and duration increases (Reijnders & Ries 1989, Gazo,
Lydersen & Aguilar 2006).
At Cabo Blanco, pups were observed entering the water
during their first week of life and their diving
performance increase progressively with age. Pups spent
most of their time at sea (55-74%) and their swimming
activity is greater at nighttime compared with daytime. In
pups from the Cabo Blanco colony of Mauritania/Western
Sahara, three dive types were found: one V-shaped and two
U-shaped. The most common type was U1-dives,
mainly used by older pups during 44-48 % of their total
dive time. These dives were relatively deep and long (mean
depth = 11.6 ± 9.5 m, mean duration = 149.1 ± 80.6 s).
They had long bottom times (100 ± 67 s) suggesting that
pups were foraging, coinciding with the end of lactation
(Gazo, Lydersen & Aguilar, 2006).
Movements and migration
With a current distribution range stretching from the
eastern Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean, and including
vast stretches of open sea, the question of how far monk
seals can travel or whether they migrate has long been a
matter of both scientific and conservation debate.
With the precarious status of the species ruling out
extensive radio or satellite tracking experiments,
however, knowledge on movements and migration remains
incomplete and largely circumstantial. Although Monachus
monachus is generally considered sedentary (Boulva
1979), with adult males having an estimated home range of
40-50 km (Berkes et al. 1979, Gücü et al. 2004) and daily
movements mainly consisting of local feeding forays, the
species is capable of travelling extensive distances in
relatively short periods of time (Mursaloglu 1992,
Lopez-Jurado et al. 1998, Mozetich et al. 2002,
CBD-Habitat 2004).
In three cases of photo-identified individuals in Greece
(Adamantopoulou et al. 1999), one monk seal travelled a
direct distance of 59 nautical miles between two study
areas, while another covered a total of 159 n.m. within a
three month period.
The theory that increased nutritional demands or the need
to locate suitable pupping sites encourages a marginally
greater activity range in female Mediterranean monk seals
(Schnapp et al. 1962, Boulva 1979) has yet to be
Following a common pattern in pinnipeds, juvenile monk
seals seeking new territories have often been sighted far
outside their normal distribution range (Baudouin-Bodin
1964, Maigret et al. 1976, van Bree & Duguy 1977).
Movement behaviour of monk seals has significant
implications for the conservation of the species. Taking
possible daily movements into account, Berkes (1978)
suggested the existence of an interbreeding monk seal
population between Greece’s eastern Aegean islands and
Turkey. More recently, it has been postulated that
sightings of monk seals in parts of southern Italy, in
Sardinia and Sicily, where they were previously considered
extinct, may be the result of movements from other areas,
including North Africa and the Ionian Islands of Greece
(Coppola 2003, Gruppo Foca Monaca 2002, Mo 2002).
Activity patterns
Tide appears to be one of the principal factors affecting
the activity of Mediterranean monk seals living in the
Atlantic. During low or rising tide, monk seals usually
haul-out or take care of their young on the beaches within
caves (Marchessaux 1989, Aguilar et al. 1995, González et
al. 1997). During mid and high tide, in contrast, monk
seals are usually observed at sea, feeding and interacting
(Trotignon 1982, Marchessaux & Muller 1987, Neves
1998, Neves & Pires 1998, Pires & Neves 1998).
Within the Mediterranean basin, however, where tides are
negligible, effects on monk seal activity are
correspondingly small. Refuting early reports (Bareham
& Furreddu 1975, Boulva 1975, Hiby et al. 1987, Jacobs
& Panou 1990), extensive research in the eastern
Mediterranean indicates that monk seals are active during
the day and that they use the caves during the night
(Dendrinos et al. 1994, Karamanlidis 2000, Güçlüsoy &
Savas 2003, Gücü et al. 2004).
In terms of seasonal patterns, evidence suggests a shift
in activity during winter. During this time of the year
seals appear to visit caves more often and stay there for
longer periods (Bareham & Furreddu 1975, Jacobs &
Panou 1988, Dendrinos et al. 1994). Several factors, such
as moulting, weather, the breeding season, and a reduction
in human disturbance, may influence this pattern.
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