Monk Seal Fact Files
Mediterranean Monk Seal
(Monachus monachus)
Distribution and abundance
Thousands of islands, inaccessible coastlines, and a
species that shies away from human contact have all
conspired to make distribution and abundance assessments
for the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)
an extraordinarily inexact science. Conventional wisdom,
however, suggests that fewer than 600 individuals survive,
making the Mediterranean monk seal Europe’s most
endangered marine mammal.
The Mediterranean monk seal is “Critically Endangered
(CR)” according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
(IUCN 2000, UNEP-WCMC 2005). A species is so listed,
according to IUCN, “when it is facing an extremely high
risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future,”
as defined by specific criteria (For further info, see:
Historically, Monachus monachus occupied a wide
geographical range (see map below). Colonies were found
throughout the Mediterranean, Marmara and Black seas. The
species also frequented the Atlantic coast of Africa, as
far south as Mauritania, Senegal and the Gambia, as well
as the Atlantic islands of Cape Verde, Madeira, the Canary
Islands and the Azores (Johnson & Lavigne 1999a,
Johnson 2004).
Updated (2016) distribution map of Monachus
monachus. [Go
to interactive map]
More recently, however, the species has disappeared from
most of its former range, with the most severe contraction
and fragmentation occurring during the last century.
Nations and island groups where the monk seal has been
extirpated during the 20th century include France and
Corsica, Spain and the Balearic Islands, Italy, Sardinia,
Sicily and the Tuscan archipelago, as well as Egypt,
Israel and Lebanon (UNEP/MAP 1994, Aguilar 1998). More
recently, the species is also thought to have become
effectively extinct in the Black Sea (Kiraç 2001). Despite
sporadic sightings, Monachus monachus is also
effectively extinct in the Sea of Marmara, along the
Adriatic coasts and islands of Croatia, Sardinia, and the
Mediterranean coasts of Morocco (Johnson 1998, Johnson
& Lavigne 1999a, 1999b, Lavigne & Johnson 2001,
Abdellatif Bayed, pers. comm. 2005).
Uncertainty also hangs over the survival of the monk seal
in Tunisia, where the species has faced onslaughts in its
last retreats by tourists and sports divers (Ouerghi et
al. 2001).
Illustrating the inherent uncertainty of monk seal
population estimates, a monk seal birth was reported in
December 2004 in Sicily – the first recorded birth on the
island in 30 years (Emanuele Coppola, pers. comm. 2004).
It is unclear whether the species continued to inhabit
Sicily during the intervening years unbeknown to
researchers, or whether it recolonised the island from
In some cases, the reappearance of monk seals in areas
from which they were previously considered eradicated –
notably in Sardinia and Croatia most recently (Coppola
2003, Gomercic et al. 2005) – may be due to stragglers
arriving from adjacent populations. Given favourable
conditions in terms of habitat and food, it is thought
possible that monk seals could re-establish themselves in
such areas.
Eradicated from most of its former range, the
Mediterranean monk seal is now mainly confined to two
surviving populations, one occupying the Atlantic coast of
northwest Africa, and the other, the northeastern
Partly because of their own tendency to err on the side
of caution, historically, biologists have consistently
underestimated the numbers of monk seals populating the
Mediterranean — offering some explanation as to why
estimates have remained numerically stable over the last
30 years despite severe and undiminished threats (Cf.
Ronald & Duguy eds. 1979 and Aguilar 1998).
Conversely, errors have also been known to creep into
population estimates when biologists rely on old data.
This has often resulted in monk seal colonies being placed
in areas where they have been extinct for many years.
Predictably, absence of accurate population data has
hampered the implementation of effective conservation
actions (Forcada et al. 1999). Although sometimes subject
to changing political climates, political instability and
military sensitivity have also prevented research along
some extensive reaches of the Mediterranean basin,
particularly Algeria and Libya, and the coast of the
disputed Western Sahara.
With question marks hanging over monk seal abundance in
many regions and countries, the figures presented in the
table below should be treated with caution.
Mediterranean monk
seal population estimates |
Area |
Regional subtotal |
Area total |
Black Sea |
0 - 0 |
Bulgaria |
0 |
Georgia |
0 |
Romania |
0 |
Russia |
0 |
Turkey |
0 |
Ukraine |
0 |
Mediterranean |
300 - 350 |
Albania |
0 |
Croatia |
0 |
Cyprus |
? |
Egypt |
0 |
Greece |
200 – 250 |
Israel |
0 |
Lebanon |
0 |
Libya |
? |
Serbia & Montenegro |
0 |
Slovenia |
0 |
Syria |
? |
Turkey * |
100 |
Mediterranean |
11 - 15 |
Algeria |
10 |
France & Corsica |
0 |
Italy & Sardinia ** |
0 |
Malta |
0 |
Morocco |
1 - 5 |
Spain |
0 |
Tunisia |
? |
Atlantic |
184 - 188 |
Azores (Portugal) |
0 |
Canary Islands (Spain) |
0 |
Cape Verde Islands |
0 |
Gambia |
0 |
Madeira (Portugal) |
30 |
Mauritania |
3 |
Morocco *** |
1-5 |
Senegal |
0 |
Western Sahara (Cabo Blanco)
**** |
150 |
495 - 553 |
Additional notes:
* Population estimates for Turkey were
revised upwards in 2004. For further details, consult:
Güçlüsoy, H., C.O. Kiraç, N.O. Veryeri and Y. Savas.
2004a. Status of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, Monachus
monachus (Hermann, 1779) in the Coastal Waters of
Turkey. E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
21 (3-4): 201–210. [PDF
** Italy and Sardinia remain at “0” despite
recent sightings, because researchers have yet to identify
occupied habitat.
*** Abdellatif Bayed, personal communication
**** Approximation only. Following the mass
mortality that struck the world’s largest surviving monk
seal colony in the Western Sahara in 1997, 103 individuals
were estimated to survive (mean estimate. 95% CI: 77 –
148, Forcada et al. 1999), down from 300. These estimates
are generally considered more reliable than those obtained
elsewhere since they relied upon clearly-defined
photo-identification procedures, often impractical
elsewhere. New estimates of 150 individuals are based on
interpretations of evidence by researchers – counts of
seals at low tide in breeding caves, increasing beach
counts, and decreasing mortalities – but have not been
confirmed by capture-recapture methods (that compare data
from different sample frames).
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