Media Watch, Honolulu Star Advertiser, 28 March 2011

Tsunamis generated by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake off Japan earlier this month swept up a one week-old Hawaiian monk seal pup and separated her from her mother at a remote atoll northwest of the main Hawaiian islands, but a state wildlife worker managed to reunite the pair shortly after.
The pup was crying for her mother after tsunamis hit Kure Atoll nearly 1,400 miles northwest of Honolulu on March 11, said the atoll’s field camp supervisor Cynthia Vanderlip, a biologist with the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources. But the mother was asleep about 150 feet away and didn’t hear her pup’s cries.
Vanderlip waited a while, then carried the tiny seal to her mother.
“The mom — she growled at me for that. She wasn’t very grateful. But they immediately nuzzled,” Vanderlip told reporters Monday. […]
Full Story: Honolulu Star Advertiser / Associated Press.