Note: The following publications are offered
in Adobe Acrobat PDF.
Adam, P.J. 2004. Monachus tropicalis.
Mammalian Species 747: 1-11. |
PDF 516KB |
Androukaki, E., S. Adamantopoulou, P.
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mortality in the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus
monachus) in Greece. Contributions to the Zoology
& Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region 1 (1999):
405-411. |
PDF 47KB |
Androukaki E., Chatzispyrou, A.,
Adamantopolou, S., Dendrinos, P., Kommenou, A., Kuiken,
T., Tounta, E. and Kotomatas, S. 2006. (Poster
presentation). Investigating the causes of the death in monk
seals, stranded in coastal Greece. 20th Annual Conference
of the European Cetacean Society, 2-7 April 2006,
Gdynia, Poland. |
PDF 1.1MB |
Antle, R. 2005. A tale of two
species. Mediterranean monk seals may be critically
endangered, but they don't get the same spotlight as
Canadian harp seals. Special Report, The Telegram (St.
John's), Canada, Tuesday, May 3, 2005, p. A1, A4. |
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Antolovic, J. 1998. Mediterranean monk
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PDF 99KB |
Archipelagos/Government of the Balearic
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Joan Mayol, with drawings by Aina Bonner: 1-16. |
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Bouderbala, M., D. Bouras, D. Bekrattou, K.
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occidental d'Algérie. Première citation de phoque à capuchon
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PDF 422KB |
CBD-Habitat. 2006. Pêcher de façon
responsible. Textes: Pablo Fdez. de Larrinoa y Miguel A.
Cedenilla. Fundación CBD-Habitat, Madrid: 1-16. |
PDF 9.7MB |
CBD-Habitat. La Réserve Satellite du
Cap Blanc [Guide to the Satellite Reserve of Cap Blanc, in
French and Arabic]: 1-12. |
PDF 880KB |
CBD-Habitat. Manuel d’éducation
environnementale destiné aux professeurs de l’enseignement
primaire et secondaire de Mauritanie: 1-70. |
PDF 8.5MB |
CBD-Habitat. La mer n’est pas une
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CBD-Habitat. La mer n’est pas une
poubelle! Pamphlet (French and Arabic). |
PDF 6.2
MB |
CBD-Habitat. Que pecherez-vous demain?
Poster (French and Arabic). |
PDF 430
KB |
CBD-Habitat. Code de bonnes pratiques
pour une pêche responsible (in French): 1-36. |
PDF 7.6
MB |
CBD-Habitat. Code de conduite pour une
pêche responsible de la FAO (in French and Arabic): 1-12. |
PDF 7.2
MB |
Cebrian, D. 2002. Bibliography.
Calypso-ERB: 1-2. |
PDF 74KB |
Cedenilla, M.A., P. Fernández de Larrinoa,
M. Haye, A. Varea, H. M’Bareck, A. Maroto, L.M. González,
M. Muñoz-Cañas. 2009. Description of adoption
behaviour detected in the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus
monachus) at the colony of the Cabo Blanco peninsula
(Mauritania-Morocco). Poster presentation, in:
Workshop "Who are our seals? Moving towards a standardized
population estimate approach for Monachus monachus",
23rd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society,
Istanbul, Turkey. 28 February, 2009. |
854KB |
Cedenilla, M.A., P. Fernández de Larrinoa,
M. Haye, A. Varea, H. M’Bareck, A. Maroto, L.M. González
and M. Muñoz-Cañas. 2009. Description of adoption
behaviour detected in the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus
monachus) at the colony of the Cabo Blanco peninsula
(Mauritania-Morocco). Poster presentation, in:
Workshop "Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in
Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective", 18th Biennial
Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October
2009, Quebec, Canada. |
PDF 854KB |
Cedenilla, M.A, H. M’Bareck, M. Haya, A.
Maroto, M. Muñoz, P. Fernández de Larrinoa and L.M.
González. 2007. Evolution of pup production and pup
mortality rate of the Mediterranean monk seal colony Cabo
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Poster presentation, European Cetacean Society. CBD-Habitat
Foundation. |
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Cedenilla, M.A., H. M’Bareck, M. Haya, A.
Maroto, M. Muñoz, P. Fernández de Larrinoa and L.M.
González. 2009. Evolution of pup production and pup
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Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec,
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Dendrinos, P., A.A. Karamanlidis, E.
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Dendrinos, P., E. Tounta, A.A.
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Mammals 33(2): 179-184. |
PDF 771KB |
Dosi, A. 2000. Heavy metals in blubber
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Fernández de Larrinoa P., M. Idrissi, T.
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Fernández de Larrinoa, P., M.A. Cedenilla,
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González, L.M. 2004. Mediterranean monk
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González, L.M., M.A. Cedenilla, P.F.
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González, L.M., B. Heredia, A. Araujo, I.
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Güçlüsoy, H. and Y. Savas. 2003a.
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1999, Antalya, Turkey. (2): 859-865. |
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Areas. 23-25 March 2005, Meknes, Morocco: 1-11. |
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Gücü A.C., G. Gücü and H. Örek. 2004.
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28 February, 2009: 1-5. |
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Johnson, William M. (ed.). The Monachus
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Johnson, William M. (ed.). The Monachus
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Johnson, William M. (ed.). The Monachus
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Johnson, William M. (ed.). The Monachus
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Johnson, William M. (ed.). The Monachus
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Johnson, William M. (ed.). The Monachus
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Johnson, William M. (ed.). The Monachus
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