Turkish media are reporting that Badem has escaped her temporary summer captivity in Gökova Bay and is again interacting with bathers and beach-goers along the busy coasts of Bodrum. Several bathers are reported to have sustained injuries, and monk seal conservation organisation SAD-AFAG has again been appealing to members of the public not to swim or interact with the seal — both for their own sake and for Badem’s.
Rescued in December 2006 as an orphaned pup, Badem underwent rehabilitation in Foça, with AFAG drawing on expertise and nursing skills provided by the Zeehondencrèche Lenie ‘t Hart of the Netherlands. Regrettably, the seal became imprinted on her human carers during the 5-month process, a condition later exacerbated by swimmers’ and beachgoers’ demands for contact with her. She was released in April 2007.
Further info:
Denizde Badem korkusu. Hürriyet, 26 Ağustos 2009.
Badem undergoes veterinary treatment. 2009. The Monachus Guardian 12(1): June 2009. http://www.monachus-guardian.org/mguard23/2316mednew.htm#Turkey