En Papel
- Brombin, C., G. Mo, A. Zotti, M. Giurisato, L. Salmaso and B. Cozzi. 2009. A landmark analysis-based approach to age and sex classification of the skull of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) (Hermann, 1779). Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 38, 382–386 (2009) doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0264.2009.00958.x. [Abstract]
- De Waele, J., G.A. Brook and A. Oertel. 2009. Monk seal (Monachus monachus) bones in Bel Torrente Cave (central-east Sardinia) and their paleogeographical significance. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 71(1): 16–23. [PDF
- Gucu, A.C. 2009. Preliminary study on the effects of photo traps used to monitor Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus. Endangered Species Research, ESR:Biologging Technologies 13: 1-5. doi: 10.3354/esr00208. [PDF
- Gucu, A.C., M. Ok and S. Sakinan. 2009. Note: A Survey of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) along the coast of Northern Cyprus. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 55 (1): 77-82. DOI: 10.1560/IJEE.55.1.77.
- Hazekamp, A.A.H., R. Mayer and N. Osinga. 2009. Flow simulation along a seal: the impact of an external device. European Journal of Wildlife Research published online: 30 June 2009. doi:10.1007/s10344-009-0293-0. [Abstract]
- Silva, M.A., C. Brito, S.V. Santos and J.P. Barreiros. 2009. Historic and recent occurrences of pinnipeds in the Archipelago of the Azores. Mammalia 73 (1): 60–62. doi: 10.1515/MAMM.2009.008.
- MOm. 2009. Action Plan for the mitigation of the negative effects of monk seal ‐ fisheries interactions in Greece, Summary Report. MOm, WWF Greece, Fisheries Research Institute, 2009: 1-11. [PDF
2.9MB] - Littnan, C., M. Hill, S. Hargrove, K.E. Keller and A.D. Anders. 2009. Marine Protected Species, Chapter 6, pages 191-234. In: Friedlander, A., K. Keller, L. Wedding, A. Clarke, M. Monaco (eds.). 2009. A Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 84. Prepared by NCCOS’s Biogeography Branch in cooperation with the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Silver Spring, MD.: 1-363. [PDF
3.7MB] - Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., S. Adamantopoulou, E. Androukaki, P. Dendrinos, A.A. Karamanlidis, V. Paravas and S. Kotomatas. 2009. National strategy and action plan for the conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal in Greece, 2009–2015. MOm, Athens: 1‐19. [PDF
2.8MB] - Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., S. Adamantopoulou, E. Androukaki, P. Dendrinos, A.A. Karamanlidis, V. Paravas and S. Kotomatas. 2009. National strategy and action plan for the conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal in Greece, 2009 ‐ 2015. Report on evaluating the past and structuring the future. Publication prepared as part of the LIFE‐Nature Project: MOFI: Monk Seal and Fisheries: Mitigating the conflict in Greek Seas. Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Mediterranean monk seal (MOm), Athens. 1-70. [PDF
Conferencias y Talleres
18ª Conferencia Bianual de la Sociedad de de Mamíferos Marinos, 12-16 Octubre de 2009, Quebec, Canada.
Investigación, Gestión, Conservación y Políticas para la Recuperación de la Foca Monje: Una Perspectiva Global, 10 de Octubre de 2009.
- Cedenilla, M.A., P. Fernández de Larrinoa, M. Haye, A. Varea, H. M’Bareck, A. Maroto, L.M. González and M. Muñoz-Cañas. 2009. Description of adoption behaviour detected in the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) at the colony of the Cabo Blanco peninsula (Mauritania-Morocco). Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
854KB] - Cedenilla, M.A., H. M’Bareck, M. Haya, A. Maroto, M. Muñoz, P. Fernández de Larrinoa and L.M. González. 2009. Evolution of pup production and pup mortality rate of the Mediterranean monk seal colony Cabo Blanco (Mauritania-Morocco) after a mass mortality episode. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
- Gobush, K.S., S. Farry and G. Antonelis. 2009. Detection and deterrence of shark predation on Hawaiian monk seal pups. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [Awaiting submission]
- Gobush, K.S., F. Gulland, R. Braun, G. Johnson and C. Littnan. 2009. Relieving parasite burden to boost survivorship in juvenile Hawaiian monk seals. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [Awaiting submission]
- Karamanlidis, A.A., J. Curtis, E. Androukaki, E. Joseph, M. Psaradelli, E. Tounta and P. Dendrinos. 2009. Isotopic tracking of foraging of Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus monachus) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
2.2MB] - Karamanlidis, A.A., V. Paravas, F. Trillmich and P. Dendrinos. 2009. First observations of parturition and postpartum behavior in the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
1.5MB] - Kashinsky, L.S. and R.C. Braun. 2009. Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) tier one disease screening in the Main and Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [Awaiting submission]
- Leclerc, D., T. Johanos and T. Wurth. 2009. Interactive mapping system for Monachus schauinslandi (Hawaiian monk seal) sightings data. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
947KB] - Lopez, J.U., B. L. Becker, J.K. Schultz, J. Johanos-Kam and L. Kashinsky. 2009. Dizygotic twinning in the Hawaiian monk seal. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
3.7MB] - Lowry, L., D. Aurioles, V. Burkanov, C. Campagna, N. Gales, T. Gelatt, S. Goldsworthy, G.J. Hofmeyr, T. Härkönen, K.M. Kovacs, C. Southwell, D. Thompson, F. Trillmich and A. Aguilar (IUCN Pinniped Specialist Group). 2009. The 2008 IUCN reassessment of the status of monk seals. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [Awaiting submission]
- Muñoz, G., A.A. Karamanlidis, P. Dendrinos and T. Jeanette. 2009. Preliminary research on the aerial vocalizations of Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus monachus) native to Greece, Eastern Mediterranean. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
1.3MB] - Muñoz-Cañas, M., M.A. Cedenilla, M. Haya, H. M’Bareck, L.M. González and P. Fernández de Larrinoa. 2009. Individual identification of the monk seal colony members at Cabo Blanco Peninsula (Mauritania-Morocco). Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
1.1MB] - Schofield, D., G. Levine, F. Gulland and C. Littnan. 2009. The first rehabilitation and release of an abandoned endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) pup in the Main Hawaiian islands. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
552KB] - Spradlin, T. R., S. Murphy, B. Mackey, J. Mcvee, E. Androukaki, E. Tounta, A. A. Karamanlidis, P. Dendrinos, E. Joseph, C. Lockyer and J. Matthiopoulos. 2009. Age-related mortality of Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus monachus) estimated from dental samples. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
890KB] - Thompson, N., A.C. Hirons, C.W. Potter and C. Littnan. 2009. Trophic structure of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands and resident monk seals (Monachus schaundslandi) [sic] during the twentieth century. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
- Wong, M.A., C.L. Littnan and A.W. Trites. 2009. Hooray for El Niño!? Do climate changes alter the diet of Hawaiian monk seals? Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
- Wurth, T.A. and T.C. Johanos. 2009. Changes in distribution and evidence of population growth of the Hawaiian monk seal in the main Hawaiian Islands based on aerial surveys. Poster presentation, in: Workshop “Research, Management, Conservation, and Policy in Monk Seal Recovery: A Global Perspective”, 18th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. 10th October 2009, Quebec, Canada. [PDF
23ª Conferencia Anual de la Sociedad Europea de Cetáceos, Estambul, Turquía, 2-4 Marzo de 2009.
¿Dónde están nuestras focas? Hacia una aproximación estandarizada a la estima de poblaciones de Monachus monachus, 28 de Febrero de 2009.
- Gucu, A.C. and G. Mo. 2009. Who are our seals? Moving towards a standardised population estimate approach for Monachus monachus. Workshop conducted within the framework of the European Cetacean Society Annual Conference [an event sponsored by RAC/SPA (Tunis) and Pelagos-Monaco (Principality of Monaco)], Istanbul, Turkey, 28 February, 2009: 1-5. [PDF
Presentaciones del Taller
- Gazo, M. 2009. The Atlantic Sahara case study, period 1993-1998. SUBMON – Conservation, Study and Awareness of the Marine Environment, Spain. Presentation at the Who are our seals? Workshop, European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 February, 2009: 1-5. [PDF
1.4MB] - Hiby, L. 2009. Monitoring Mediterranean monk seals, a population widely dispersed at low densities. Conservation Research Ltd., UK. Presentation at the Who are our seals? Workshop, European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 February, 2009: 1-5. [PDF
88KB] - Karamanlidis, A.A. 2009. 20 years of monitoring populations of Mediterranean monk seals in Greece. MOm/Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal, Greece. Presentation at the Who are our seals? Workshop, European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 February, 2009: 1-6. [PDF
306KB] - Panou, A. 2009. Monk seal sightings in the central Ionian Sea. A network of fishermen for the protection of the marine resources. Archipelagos – Environment and Development, Greece. Presentation at the Who are our seals? Workshop, European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 February, 2009: 1-6. [PDF
TMG agradece a Alexandros Karamanlidis y Harun Güçlüsoy su ayuda en la realización de este listado.