The Monachus Guardian

  Vol. 8 / No. 1

Published by Friends of the Monk Seal

May 2005 



TMG Seal


This issue in Acrobat-PDF format [709KB].


Guest Editorial: Has Zeus gone mad?

by Alexandros A. Karamanlidis

Obituary: Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands

International News

– including The Numbers Game III: the latest ifs, buts and maybes of Mediterranean monk seal population estimates

Caribbean News

Hawaiian News

– including Activists laud state and federal efforts to create the largest marine refuge in the world in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

Mediterranean News

Cover Story: Making seal sense

A political thaw between Greece and Turkey is bringing about the once unthinkable: Greek and Turkish researchers cooperating on the conservation of the monk seal. But what are the experiences, the expectations and the limits? An interview with Jeny Androukaki in Greece and Harun Güçlüsoy in Turkey.

In Focus: The Mediterranean monk seal in Sardinia: a  review of evidence and historical data

by Luigi Bundone

Perspectives: In echoes of the past, the sound of the present

by William M. Johnson

Have human attitudes towards the monk seal really changed in the last 3000 years?

Letters to the Editor

Recent Publications

Publishing Info


Monk seal rehabilitation

Cover Story: Making seal sense between Greece and Turkey.

seal skin from sardinia

In Focus: Rediscovering monk seal history in Sardinia.

fishermen and monk seal

Perspectives: How history colours modern attitudes towards the monk seal.

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The Monachus Guardian, to the editor.

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