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Vol. 6 (1): June 2003 |
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Date |
N. of animals |
Location of the sighting |
Within the park |
External to the park |
1968-1986 |
1 |
Mestassa |
1970 |
1 |
Al Hoceima port |
1970 |
1 |
Al Hoceima port |
1970s |
3-4 |
Bades |
1975 |
1 |
Al Hoceima port |
1981-2 |
1 |
Boussekour |
1983 |
1 |
Al Hoceima port |
1983-4 |
1 |
Tala Youssef |
1985 |
1 |
Cap de lEau |
1987 |
1 |
Cala Iris |
1987 |
2 |
Al Hoceima - Al Mahal |
1990 |
1 |
Al Hoceima - Al Mahal |
1992-3 |
1 |
Boussekour & Sidi Abed |
1994 |
1 |
Boussekour |
1997 |
1 |
Boussekour & Sidi Abed |
2001 |
1 |
Topos |
2002 |
1 |
Al Hoceima |
2002 |
1 |
Tofino |
2002 |
1 |
Sidi Fateh & Mestassa |
Table 1. Monk seal sightings as reported by the fishermen interviewed in the study
The study area seems particularly interesting in terms of the physical coastal habitat availability for Monachus monachus. The present work identified 5 sectors potentially characterised by the presence of coastal caves which could be used by the species. Due to logistical difficulties only two sectors were partially inspected. Two caves were found in sector M5 and its adjacent area. Each cave is characterised by an emerged internal pebble beach that is relatively well protected from sea waves. These caves are located in the sector characterised by siliceous limestone substrate which appears highly fractured. Considering the two main geological substrate typologies present in the area (western sectors characterised by compact dolomitic limestone as opposed to the eastern sectors composed of silicic limestone), and the presence of caves identified in the easternmost sector, it seems probable that the less compact limestone sectors are more likely to be characterised by the presence of coastal cavities which could be used by monk seal individuals. This is, however, a hypothesis which would need confirmation based on further field investigations involving the remaining sectors: M2, M3 and M4.
The observations recorded during the fishermen interviews indicate the historical presence of Monachus monachus in the coastal stretch of the National Park of Al Hoceima. The frequency of species indicated in the fishermens replies indicates that, overall, the monk seal subadult and the adult male were chosen from provided images less times than other species such as Mullus surmuletus, Caretta caretta, Larus audouinii and Pandion haliaetus, whose presence in the study area and along the Mediterranean Moroccan coast is widely documented. However, while the sum of the number of choices involving the monk seal subadult and the monk seal adult male is lower than the choice of Mullus surmuletus and Caretta caretta, it is higher than the total number of times that Larus audouinnii and Pandion haliaetus are chosen. Both Larus audouinii and Pandion haliaetus are species which breed along the coasts of the study area but the degree of recognition of these species on the part of the fishermen may be low because fishermen may be less inclined to recognize marine avifauna than other, strictly marine, organisms. In view of the low sample size of interviewed fishermen (n=30) such considerations are, however, difficult to reinforce. Since the interview form aimed at collecting information on Monachus monachus is included in a more detailed interview format regarding the socio-economic aspects of the fishing community, the future planned application of this interview form to a wider sample size of fishermen operating within the study area will yield a more significant collection of information on monk seal sightings and the relative recognition rate of the species on the part of fishermen.
Figure 2. Monk seal sightings indicated by the interviewees. Shaded numbers indicate the areas for which sightings are reported but which lie outside the boundaries of the National Park of Al Hoceima.
1. Cap de leau; 2. Cap des trois fourches; 3. Cap Chelate; 4. Banc Tofino; 5. Port of Al Hoceima; 6. Sidi Abed; 7. Tala Youssef; 8. Boussekour; 9. Topos; 10. Bades; 11. Cala Iris; 12. Mestassa.
[Note: the Cap Chelate sighting does not appear in Table 1 as it was reported secondhand and not directly witnessed by the interviewee.]
The two monk seal observations recorded within the park during the last years indicate that some individuals transit and may utilise part of the coastal stretch of the study area. As such, future management plans of the marine component should contemplate conservation initiatives for the species such as monitoring, environmental awareness and protection of specific sites. Such aspects can better be defined on the basis of data to be collected during future field work, which is planned to be completed by the end of 2003. Preliminary observations collected during the field mission also indicate the presence of potential threats for the species, such as the use of illegal fishing methods such as dynamite and a rather widespread distribution of coastal fishing throughout the entire zone of the park. Such threats should be taken in consideration in the management plan of the future marine protected area, since they also indicate a possible explanation for the reduced number of recent monk seal sightings reported by the fishermen during interviews.
Several sightings were reported in areas external to the park, as east as Cap des Trois Fourches and even as far as Tofino, which is a bank located approximately 18 nautical miles to the north of Al Hoceima. This is not surprising, however, considering the observations recorded by other authors in terms of the species movement (Adamantopolou et al. 1999) and observations of sightings in open sea (Marchessaux 1987). The localisation of sightings in areas outside the parks boundaries also highlights the need to conduct further investigations and conservation initiatives in a wider geographical scope, extending from Mestassa to Cap des Trois Fourches.
Considering the high value of the establishment of marine protected areas for the conservation of the remaining nuclei of Monachus monachus, and in light of the preliminary information collected during the present field campaign, it appears very important to collect additional data on the location of the marine coastal caves present within the study area, as well as a more extensive amount of interviews aimed at the local fishing community. Such data would provide a good start towards the identification of a management and monitoring plan adequate for the species in the future marine protected area of Al Hoceima. Considering the species movement capacity, such an approach should be extended to the wider geographic area which extends from Mestassa eastwards until the border with Algeria, a geographic area which still appears to host monk seal individuals.
Adamantopolou, S., E. Androukaki, D. Panayotis, E. Tounta and S. Kotomatas. 1999. Evidence on the movement of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in Greece. Abstracts, 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Wailea, Hawaii: 2.
Aguilar, A. 1998. Current status of Mediterranean monk seal populations. In: Meeting of experts on the implementation of the Action Plans for marine mammals (monk seal and cetaceans) adopted within MAP. Arta, Greece, 29-31 October 1998. UNEP (OCA)/MED WG.146/4.
Avella, F.J. and L.M. Gonzales. 1984. Monk seal (Monachus): A survey along the Mediterranean coast of Morocco. In: The Monk Seals, proceedings of the Second International Conference, La Rochelle, France, 5-6 October 1984. K. Ronald & R. Duguy Eds.). Ann. Soc. Sci. net. Charente-Maritime, Fr., Suppl.: 60-78.
Bayed, A. and P.C. Beaubrun. 1987. Les mammifères marins du Maroc: Inventaire préliminaire. Mammalia, Fr., 51: 437-446.
Boyd, I.L. and M.P.Stanfield. 1998. Circumstantial evidence for the presence of monk seals in the West Indies. Oryx 32(4):310-316.
Marchessaux, D. 1987. Etude de lévolution du statut du phoque moine en Tunisie et dans larchipel de la Galite. Propositions pour une gestion régional. UNEP-IUCN-RAC/SPA, GIS Posidonie publ., Marseille, France: 1-28.
Reijnders, P.J.H. 1998a. The Mediterranean monk seal: present status and conservation efforts to remedy threats. Workshop on the biology and conservation of the worlds endangered monk seals. ECS-SMM: The World Marine Mammal Science Conference. Monte Carlo, Monaco, 19-20 January, 1998.
Reijnders, P.J.H. 1998b. Vulnerability of small Mediterranean monk seal groups and conservation policy. Meeting of experts on the implementation of the Action Plan for marine mammals (monk seal and cetaceans) adopted within MAP. Arta, Greece, 29-31 October 1998.
UNEP/MAP. 1994. Present status and trend of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) Populations. pp 44, 15 figs.; Refs. Annex p 15. UNEP/MAP Meeting of Experts on the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Management of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, Rabat, Morocco, 7-9 October 1994. RAC/SPA (UNEP), Tunis, UNEP(OCA)/MED WG. 87/33.
Zine, N.E. 2003. Diagnostic de la faune aquatique: site du Cap des Trois Fourches. Programme MedWet Coast : Conservation des zones humides et des systèmes côtiers de la région méditerranéenne. Secrétariat dEtat à lEnvironnement, Département des Eaux et Forêts et de lutte contre la désertification. Available at http://www.medcoast.com.
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