The Monachus Guardian

  Vol. 6 / No. 1

Published by Friends of the Monk Seal

June 2003 

TMG Seal


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Guest Editorial: Cilicia on my Mind

Monk seal adventures on Turkey’s southern shore, by Luigi Guarrera.

Obituary: Friend of the monk seal,
Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, 1933 – 2003

International News

Hawaiian News

Mediterranean News

Cover Story: Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

Creating A Pu‘uhonua for Future Generations, by Cha Smith.

In Focus: Human disturbance at the Cabo Blanco monk seal colony

by Pablo Fernández de Larrinoa and Miguel Ángel Cedenilla.

Perspectives: Legal aspects of Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) conservation in Greece

by Katerina Moisiadou and Alexandros A. Karamanlidis.

Monachus Science:

Mo, G., H. Bazairi, L. Tunesi, D. Nachite, I. Sadki. Results of a first field mission in the National Park of Al Hoceima, Morocco: monk seal habitat suitability and presence.

Hamza, A., G. Mo and K. Tayeb. Results of a preliminary mission carried out in Cyrenaica, Libya, to assess monk seal presence and potential coastal habitat.

Mo, G., M. Gazo, A. Ibrahim, I. Ammar and W. Ghanem. Monk seal presence and habitat assessment results of a preliminary mission carried out in Syria.

Güçlüsoy, H., H. Örek, and N.O. Veryeri. Is the rehabilitation of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus (Hermann 1779) in Turkey necessary?

Letters to the Editor

Including – Assessing the risks of Toxoplasma gondii to Hawaiian monk seals, by Bud Antonelis.

Recent Publications

Publishing Info

Mauritanian artisanal fishermen

Guest Editorial and news from Turkey: Will ecotourism be friend or foe to the Mediterranean monk seal?


Cover Story: a basking seal finds Pu‘uhonua in the Hawaiian Islands

Med. monk seal portrait

In Focus and news from Mauritania: how an oil spill in Spain has increased disturbance to Cabo Blanco monk seals by barnacle collectors

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