The Monachus Guardian

  Vol. 5 / No. 1
Published by Friends of the Monk Seal
May 2002 


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Guest Editorial: The plight of the monk seal
Henrique Costa Neves reflects on the monk seal’s remarkable recovery in Madeira after centuries of persecution and near-extinction.

International News

Hawaiian News

Mediterranean News

Cover Story: Endgame – the fight for marine protected areas in Turkey
by Cem. O. Kiraç and Yalcin Savas.

In Focus: Homeward Bound – are monk seals returning to Madeira’s São Lourenço Peninsula?
by Alexandros A. Karamanlidis, Rosa Pires, Henrique Costa Neves and Carlos Santos.

Perspectives: Challenge in the Ionian
An interview with Ioannis D. Pantis, President of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, Greece.

Monachus Science:
Bree, P.J.H. van. Notes on the description and the type material of the Hawaiian monk seal or Laysan Seal, Monachus schauinslandi Matschie, 1905.
Kiraç, C.O., Y. Savas, H. Güçlüsoy & N.O. Veryeri. Observations on diving behaviour of free ranging Mediterranean monk seals Monachus monachus on Turkish coasts.

Monachus Science Posters:
Androukaki E., E. Fatsea, L. 't Hart, A.D.M.E. Osterhaus, E. Tounta, S. Kotomatas. Growth and development of Mediterranean monk seal pups during rehabilitation. 16th European Cetacean Society Conference, Liège, Belgium, 7-11 April, 2002.
Dosi, A., S. Adamantopoulou, P. Dendrinos, S. Kotomatas, E. Tounta, & E. Androukaki. Analysis of heavy metals in blubber and skin of Mediterranean monk seals. 16th European Cetacean Society Conference, Liège, Belgium, 7-11 April, 2002.

Letters to the Editor
Including – Killing sharks at French Frigate Shoals is unacceptable, by Ian L. Jones

Recent Publications

Publishing Info

Guest Editorial: Sun basking seals on Madeira’s Desertas Islands

Cover Story: MPAs in Turkey – in desperate need of management

Monachus Science: observations on monk seal diving behaviour


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