Recent Publications
- Bildt, van de, M.W.G., B.E.E Martina, E.J. Vedder, E. Androukaki, S. Kotomatas, A. Komnenou, B.A. Sidi, A.B. Jiddou, M.E.O. Barham, H.G.M. Niesters, A.D.M.E. Osterhaus. 2000. Identification of morbilliviruses of probable cetacean origin in carcasses of Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus monachus). Veterinary Record 146(24): 691-694.
- Debrot, A.O. 2000. A review of records of the extinct West Indian monk seal, Monachus tropicalis (Carnivora: Phocidae), for the Netherlands Antilles. Marine Mammal Science 16(4): 834-837.
- Forcada, J. & A. Aguilar. 2000. Use of photographic identification in capture-recapture studies of Mediterranean monk seals. Marine Mammal Science, 16(4): 767-793. [Abstract]
- Furlani, Roberto. La Foca Monaca. Galatea European Magazine. Septembre 2000: 106-111.
- Goodman-Lowe, G.D., J.R. Carpenter, S. Atkinson, H. Ako. 2000. Nutrient, fatty acid, amino acid and mineral analysis of natural prey of the Hawaiian monk seal, Monachus schauinslandi. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: A-Molecular and Integrative Physiology: 125(3): 415-416.
- González, L.M. 2000. Mediterranean monk seal. Pages 196-201 in: R.P. Reading and B. Miller, eds. Endangered animals: a reference guide to conflicting issues. Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, USA: 1-383.
- Jiddou, A.M., S. Dedaii, M. Soueilem, M. Diop, B.A. Sidi, M.E. Braham, M.M. Lemine, M.V. Cheikh, M.M. Ahmed, E. Vedder, L. Egberts, B. Martina, M. Bildt, L. t Hart, A. Osterhaus, S. Vos. 2000. Memorandum on the mass die-off of monk seals on the Cap Blanc peninsula. CNROP/SRRC December 1997. Republished by the Seal Rehabilitation and Research Centre (SRRC), Pieterburen, the Netherlands: 1-22.
- Neves, H.C. & Pires, R. 2000. O Lobo Marinho no Arquipélago da Madeira. Parque Natural da Madeira: 1-76.
In press
- Adamantopoulou, S., S. Kotomatas, D. Glain. In Press. Fishers and seal conservation: Survey of attitudes towards monk seals in Greece and grey seals in Cornwall. Mammalia.
- Reyero, M., E. Cacho, A. Martinez, J. Vázquez, A. Marina, S. Fraga, J. M. Franco. In Press. 2000. Evidence of Saxitoxin derivates as causative agents in the 1997 mass-mortality of Mediterranean monk seals in the Cape Blanc Peninsula. Natural Toxins 8: 1-5. [Abstract]
- Schmelzer, I. In Press. Seals and Seascapes: Covariation in Hawaiian monk seal subpopulations and the oceanic landscape of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Journal of Biogeography volume 27(X):000-000. [Abstract]

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