In Print
- Güçlüsoy, H. 2008. Interaction between monk seals, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779), and artisanal fisheries in the Foça Pilot Monk Seal Conservation Area, Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East 43 (2008): 13-20. [Abstract]
- Güçlüsoy, H. 2008. Damage by monk seals to gear of the artisanal fishery in the Foça Monk Seal Pilot Conservation Area, Turkey. Fisheries Research 90(1-3): 70-77. [Abstract]
Mayol, Joan. 2008. El vell marí, una absència reversible. The monk seal, a reversible absence. Conselleria de medi ambient del govern de les Illes Balears. In Catalan, Spanish, English and German: 1-51. [PDF
- McClenachan, L. and A.B. Cooper. Extinction rate, historical population structure and ecological role of the Caribbean monk seal. 2008. Proceedings of The Royal Society B – Biological Sciences: 1-8. [Abstract]
- Parrish, F.A. and C.L. Littnan. 2008. Changing perspectives in Hawaiian monk seal research using animal-borne imaging. Marine Technology Society Journal 41(4): 30-34 [Abstract]
- Parrish, F.A., G.J. Marshall, B. Buhleier and G.A. Antonelis. 2008. Foraging interaction between monk seals and large predatory fish in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Endangered Species Research 4: 299–308. [PDF
- Pires, R., H. Costa Neves and A. A. Karamanlidis. 2008. The critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in the archipelago of Madeira: priorities for conservation. Oryx, 42(2), 278–285. [Abstract]
- Toplu, N., A. Aydoğan and T.C. Oguzoglu. 2007. Visceral leishmaniosis and parapoxvirus infection in a Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Journal of Comparative Pathology 136(4): 283-287. [Abstract]
- Ylitalo G.M., M. Myers, B.S. Stewart, P.K Yochem, R. Braun, L. Kashinsky, D. Boyd, G.A. Antonelis, S. Atkinson, A.A. Aguirre and M.M. Krahn. 2007. Organochlorine contaminants in endangered Hawaiian monk seals from four subpopulations in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56(2): 231-244. [Abstract]
In Press
- Karamanlidis, A.A., E. Androukaki, S. Adamantopoulou, A. Chatzispyrou, W.M. Johnson, S. Kotomatas, A. Papadopoulos, V. Paravas, G. Paximadis, R. Pires, E. Tounta and P. Dendrinos. 2008. Assessing accidental entanglement as a threat to the Mediterranean monk seal. Endangered Species Research. [prepress Abstract]
Web publications, presentations and reports
- Fernández de Larrinoa, P., M. Idrissi, T. Lewis, A. El Mokhtar, M. Cedenilla and L.M.Gonzalez. 2007. Status of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) on the coastline between Cape Corveiro and Castillete de la Mesa (Morocco). Fundación CBD-Habitat, INRH/ANI/IFAW: 1-17. [PDF
- Marine Mammal Commission. 2007. Annual Report to Congress 2006. Marine Mammal Commission, Bethesda, Maryland: 1-208. [PDF
Marine Mammal Commission. 2008. The biological viability of the most endangered marine mammals and the cost-effectiveness of protection programs. The Marine Mammal Commission’s Report to Congress, February 2008: 1-448. [PDF
- NMFS. 2008. Endangered Species Act 5-Year Review for the Caribbean Monk Seal (Monachus tropicalis). National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Regional Office, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 7, 2008: 1-20. [PDF
- SAD-AFAG. 2007. Report of Mediterranean monk seal habitat survey along SW Turkish coast performed jointly by SAD-AFAG & IFAW, July 2007. SAD-AFAG Report December 2007, Ankara, Turkey: 1-7. [PDF
TMG thanks Alexandros Karamanlidis and Harun Güçlüsoy for their help in compiling this listing