During the study period four and five years after the designation of the area as a PMSCA when two pups Derya (S9) and Bahtiye (S7) were born and a juvenile, Fatma (S10) was observed, the area still served as an important monk seal breeding site. However, because the area is also an intensively exploited artisanal fishing ground, both pups were subsequently entangled in trammel nets. The same threat was also observed in two pups born on the western coasts of the Gulf of Izmir on the Karaburun Peninsula (Veryeri et al. 2001).
Although we did not hear or receive any report of the shooting of seals in the PMSCA, the discovery of shotgun pellets in the corpse of Disi Korsan (S2) indicates that direct killing remains a threat within the home range of the population.
Because this home range is likely to be greater than the area covered by the Foça PMSCA, attempts should be made to determine its extent, with a view towards expanding protection measures, including zonation and guarding efforts.
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