The Monachus Guardian

  Vol. 2 / No. 2
Published by IMMA Inc.
November 1999 


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Guest Editorial:  A little imagination

by Sadruddin Aga Khan. Why the billion dollar mass tourism industry should do something to save the Mediterranean monk seal...

International News

Hawaiian News

Mediterranean News

Cover Story: How tourism has ruined the coastal habitats of the monk seal on the Bodrum Peninsula, Turkey

by Yalçin Savas. Once noted for its sponge diving and tangerine groves, today Bodrum's main claim to fame is as a tourist boom town. Largely due to development pressures, conservationists are now fighting a rearguard action to save the Peninsula's monk seals from oblivion...

In Focus:  Monk seals in the Cape Verde Islands – accidental visitors or remnants of a local population?

by Cornelis J. Hazevoet. Why the monk seal conservation community should investigate sporadic monk seal sightings off Africa's Cape Verde Islands...

Monachus Science:

W. M. Johnson & D. M. Lavigne. Mass tourism and the Mediterranean monk seal – The role of mass tourism in the decline and possible future extinction of Europe's most endangered marine mammal, Monachus monachus.

P.J.H. van Bree. On a few bacula of Mediterranean monk seals.


Guest Editorial: Will the mass tourism industry recognise its responsibility for the decline and eradication of the monk seal?

Cover Story: As tourism continues to drive development on the Bodrum Peninsula, will there be any space left for monk seals?

Monachus Science: Tourism's role in the decline and possible extinction of the Mediterranean monk seal.

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