Langford, I.H., A. Kontogianni, M.S. Skourtos, S. Georgiou, and I.J. Bateman.
1998. Multivariate mixed models for open-ended contingent valuation data: willingness to pay for conservation of monk seals. Environmental & Resource Economics 12: 443-456.

Marine Mammal Commission. 1999. Annual Report to Congress 1998. 31 January 1999. i-xvi, 1-236. Chapter II – Species of Special Concern. Hawaiian Monk Seal (Monachus schauinslandi) 47-56.

SAD-AFAG. Akdeniz Foku Monachus monachus. Önemi ve Türkiye’de Korunmasi. [Seal Info (in Turkish). An information handbook aimed at local authorities, detailing the status and biology of Mediterranean monk seals and the legislation affecting the survival of the species. With colour photos, maps and other illustrations.] SAD-AFAG, Ankara, Turkey. 22p.


In Press…

Johnson, William M. & David M. Lavigne. 1999. Monk Seals in Antiquity. The Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) in Ancient History and Literature. Mededelingen. No. 35. The Netherlands Commission for International Nature Protection. In Press.
See Monachus Science.

Johnson, William M. (Ed.) The Monachus Guardian. 1999. Vol. 1. Issues 1 & 2, May/December 1998. International Marine Mammal Association Inc., International Fund for Animal Welfare and the Humane Society of Canada. In Press.

[Although published in its primary form on the Internet, The Monachus Guardian is now also being made available as a hardcopy publication. With the generous financial support of the Humane Society of Canada (HSC), each volume will incorporate the publishing year’s May and December issues. While most readers will prefer to access The Monachus Guardian via the Internet (not least because of the unavoidable delays associated with traditional ink and paper publishing) this additional hardcopy version is intended to fill important gaps in our readership, and will be distributed to libraries, decision makers, and readers unable to access the journal by electronic means.]

Lavigne, D. M. 1999. The Hawaiian Monk Seal: Management of an endangered species. In J. R. Twiss Jr. and R. R. Reeves (eds.) Marine Mammals, Vol. II. Smithsonian Institution Press. In Press.

Ragen, T. J. & D. M. Lavigne. 1999. The Hawaiian Monk Seal: Biology of an Endangered Species. In J. R. Twiss Jr. and R. R. Reeves (eds.) Marine Mammals, Vol. II. Smithsonian Institution Press. In Press.



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