The Monachus Guardian

  Vol. 4 / No. 2
Published by IMMA Inc.
November 2001 

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Guest Editorial: Witnessing the monk seal’s extinction in the Black Sea
Cem O. Kiraç reflects on the bitter ecological legacy of the monk seal’s final eradication from the Black Sea.

International News

Caribbean News: Caribbean monk seals or hooded seals?
Why a spate of recent mystery sightings in the Caribbean is unlikely to have given Monachus tropicalis a new lease on life, by Antonio A. Mignucci-Giannoni & Peter Haddow.

Hawaiian News

Mediterranean News

Cover Story: The islands at the end of the line
Exploring the Northern Sporades Marine Park, by William M Johnson.

Perspectives: All at sea – Adrift in the Northern Sporades Marine Park
Why there is growing discontent in Greece’s flagship monk seal protected area, by William M. Johnson.

In Focus: Hanging by a thread
Does the Mediterranean monk seal face the same fate as its Caribbean cousin? By David M. Lavigne & William M. Johnson.

Letters to the Editor
Including – Back to the future, by Keith Ronald.

Recent Publications

Publishing Info

Guest Editorial: A Black Sea monk seal in Ankara Zoo, circa 1962

Caribbean News: Hooded in Caribbean disguise

Cover Story & Perspectives: Beyond the idyllic image, a brewing storm in the Sporades

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